Here's the front. It's hard to take my own picture. I asked for side swooped bangs, but the stylist said that my hair insists on parting almost in the center and bangs would look funny.
Bill doesn't care for it, but perhaps it will grow on him.
I decided to write Sandy a memo today. I realize it doesn't do any good since she can't read. However, my explaining it to her doesn't seem any more effective, and it might make me feel better.
Memo to Sandy
Re: Sage, the Dog
- If you drop food on the floor, the dog will eat it.
- If you offer the dog a bite of food, she will take the whole thing.
- Once the dog eats the food, it is gone. No amount of crying, screaming, "No! Sage! Mine!" or sticking your hands in her mouth will bring the food back after she has eaten it.
- The dog's water dish is not for you to drink out of, bathe in, or fill with dog food.
- Please don't pick up the dog's water dish. It is heavy and you will drop it on the tile floor and it will break. Just like the last water dish broke. And the one before that.