We have had a lot going on at our house lately and I haven't been able to keep up with the blogs. Mine or reading the others that I follow. But, I have some time this morning so I'm going to share the three biggest things going on with our family right now.
First, we have an announcement. We are expecting Baby #2, and my due date is May 2.
Second, Bill was laid off September 10. It was quite a shock since he had worked for the company for 10 years. But it seems like things are working out. He has had a few customers track him down to find out where he had gone and ask if he would contract for them directly. So he filed paperwork to start his own business last week and we are excited about the possibilities. He also has two promising interviews on Monday, and so we'll have to weigh those options, but I think we are both leaning toward the new business.
Finally, I am on bed rest--at least for this weekend. I went to the ER last night because of some heavy bleeding. An ultrasound showed the baby's heart is still beating normally and the cervix is still closed. The ER doctor diagnosed it as a threatened miscarriage and sent me home with orders to stay in bed until I can get in to see my OB next week.
So it has been an eventful month at our house.